Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunday March 7th 2010

In the morning we went grocery shopping, as described earlier, and then we went to Dick's and Old Navy because a few people still needed some things for our trip. To get from Dick's to Old Navy we had to cross a semi-busy road and of course we decided not to use the crosswalk, so we saw a break in traffic and just ran across. We definitely were feeling the altitude from that, which became an ongoing joke of blaming everything that we didn't do very good at on the altitude. We finished our escapade and headed back to CCU (Colorado Christian University) and started making Fettucini Alfredo, mmm very tasty.

Since it was Sunday our leaders planned for us to go to a church, Denver Community Church to be specific. God strikes again and the message of the night is about our own personal wilderness and how to get out of it. It was cool because we could relate it to the wilderness that we would be encountering later in the week as we went backpacking, and we would also find deeper meaning through the people we got to work with throughout the week.

All of us agreed that we really liked the church and the message that was presented and for the rest of the night we hung out and did some devos and Lindsay, one of our leaders, shared her testimony with us which really helped us get to know her and start to open up to each other.

Before we went to bed Lindsay and Alicia, our leaders, decided to tell us a little about what we would be doing at the Denver Rescue Mission (DRM). All that they really told us was that we would be working with recovering drug addicts as well as people who were poor and homeless.

As we started getting ready for bed Stefanie, my bed buddy and the one who sparked my interest in Barakel, noticed my eye mask and her and Lindsay decided that not only was my father in the C.I.A. but my eye mask was a personal computer that I used to contact them and to recharge my batteries so therefore I was a robot.

Knowing about what we were gonna do made me kinda nervous but also super excited to get to work with these people and shower them with God's love. Lots of thinking and praying was done before finally going to sleep.