Monday, February 22, 2010

It's right under your nose!

Today I went and got dinner with my roommates, like usual, but today happened to be pretty crowded. We all split up and got our food and I finished first so I went and got a table right near where I knew they would be coming. First Amy came out and she looked all around trying to find me, I was waving my hands and calling her name but she was focused on the outer perimeter and not on the close up where I was sitting. She gave up after awhile and went to find Katie and ask her where I was, meanwhile I'm following behind her calling her name and trying to tap her on the shoulder. Finally she turns around and sees me and I show her where we're sitting.

As I was eating I was sitting there thinking about how we often do this with God. Maybe we pray for someone to minister to, or a way to get out of a bad situation, or even just asking God where he is. We pray for these things but we end up looking at the big picture and don't focus on the things that God has put right in front of us. You've probably all heard about the guy who is caught in a flood and prays that God will send him a way out, a police officer, a helicopter, and firefighters all come to rescue him but he says that God will save him. When he dies he asks God why he didn't save him and God says he sent all those people to be his way out.

Alot of the time we are just like that guy, too focused on God sending us a huge miracle or something really big to do that we forget all of the little things that we could be doing. We ask for someone to minister to and maybe we think it's going to be a completely random person that we've never met so we spend all our time looking for that person, when in reality God has placed someone in our class or in our group of friends that he wants us to minister to.

Sometimes we are even so oblivious that we don't hear God calling us, basically this boils down to us talking to God but not listening to what he has to say back. Or maybe you listen to what God has to say but you don't follow it. Someone I talked to said "Do you want to know God's plan so you can consider it, or so you can follow it?" Seems like alot of us just consider God's plan and think ours is better, or that his is impossible. He's following us and calling our name and trying to grab us, but we're set on our path and are oblivious to all other things.

If we keep going on like this we get so far away from God that we no longer hear his voice or feel him trying to reach for us. So don't be oblivious, look around you for ways that you can serve God and better his kingdom!!